Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 2 & 3: Unicorns, Small Tasks, & Africa Time

Yesterday Sr. Cecilia & Sr. Loice took Kate and I to Bomas to watch a traditional Kenyan dancing performance! On the way there a little boy came up to the car window and tried to sell me peanuts. I feel like people see that I'm OBVIOUSLY not from around here so they target me to sell stuff. We also saw 2 baboons running down the big deal, right? The traditional dancing was soooo cool! It was really interesting seeing the different styles of dancing and costumes as well as hearing the explanation of what dance meant. The show ended with a group of acrobats who did cool stuff like make crazy human pyramids, jump through hoops, jump rope tricks, and played with fire.
**I took a lot of videos so I'll try to upload them soon! They are definitely worth seeing!**

On another subject...I have to admit...It is the strangest feeling being the minority in a crowd!! It's not that I haven't noticed how blatantly I stand out in Kenya with my blond hair and blue eyes. However, walking around in a crowd of a few hundred Kenyans, I am quite obviously the odd one out! The feeling is both exhilarating and scary! I admit- my heart was pounding so fast! I definitely got some funny looks while walking around at Bomas. There was no way I was going to be able to blend into the crowd there! I'm practically the unicorn of Kenya!

Last night, my computer died!!! It was four years old and the screen was pretty much cracking off so I figured it would crash soon. However, the timing is less than convenient! Poor "Lazarus"!:(

Also, last night Kate & I ran out of internet! It seems that we didn't buy the right bundle so it only lasted 2 days! Kate ended u forcing me to come sit in the courtyard at 9pm at night in the dark in the rain....Ya...we were pretty desperate!

So for some reason all the sisters think I want to be a nun! I cannot begin to tel you how many time I have been asked that in the past 3 days alone. Today at lunch Sr. Lydia spent the entire mealtime trying to convince me to join the convent and to get Beth, Kate, and Paige (Kate's twin) to all join with me! I told her that I wasn't sure if the girls would be so willing and that their "boyfriends" might not like that. Then I told her that I'd try to convince them that "Jesus is the best boyfriend you could ever have!" which got a lot of laughs from the sisters. ;) Anyways...Sr. Lydia said that if I decide to join she will have my room ready and waiting for me when I do...I really don't have the heart to tell her that I would like to get married if God brought me the right man...It would be nice if God hurried up that process! Hurry it up, Prince Charming!

Today Kate and I also began our first assignment! We are painting all the novices' rooms (8 bedrooms total) and possibly the hallway. I don't know what it is about monasteries and convents but apparently "Eggshell White" seems to be the color of choice! Kate isn't that excited about painting because she is all about going to teach at the kindergarten or working at the dispensary. Me, on the other hand...I don't mind! I figure it's something that needs to be done and it is a small way of helping the sisters. I know that most people think that going to Africa suggests that we will be feeding starving babies and living in huts and all that but the way I see it there are a lot of small works of charity that can be done. Yes, painting is not the world's most exciting task ever but it is a helpful task nonetheless. I'd rather be doing something than nothing.

Well...that is the update thus far! Hopefully, we will continue to get a better idea of what we will be doing in the following weeks. However, we are on "Africa time"...things here are done in a completely different way than in the States! You have no idea...It is truly another world here.

"Do small things with great love." ~Mother Theresa

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