Friday, August 24, 2012

First Impressions

So here's the scoop! We left Charlotte, NC at 1pm. Flew into JFK airport. From JFK we flew to Zurich, Switzerland. Then from Zurich we flew into Kenya! Swiss Air was pretty awesome to fly! Kate and I watched a lot of movies and they feed you a lot which is great (because obviously I love food). We also met this really cool girl Hannah who was on all the same flights. She was travelling to do 4months study abroad, studying coral reefs and ecosystems. In Zurich Harris left his bag at the security check point by accident, so we had a little luggage scare. Luckily that was the only thing that happened! No passport, luggage, or Visa problems! :)
Bon Voyage!
the guys
Kate's 2nd flight EVER!
Here we go!
Oh hello free drinks :)

Here;s to you, guy who fell asleep within 5mins. of take-off! 

Zurich, Switzerland
Henry & me @ Zurich airport
Oh Harris!
Flying out of Zurich
Traveling for over 24hrs...nbd!
Coastline of Africa!

Sr. Michael Marie and Sr. Cecilia picked us up at the airport. They were carrying with them a picture Kate had given them from Facebook. Driving from the airport, there was a lot of traffic. Along the highway there were lots of people trying to sell stuff. Among the most random things I saw were a guy selling whips and another man carrying around this huge blow-up chair thing that looked like a pink Tellatubby. We also got to see the matatus drive pass us on the road- think over crowded party bus van with neon lights in the inside. Since it was dark we couldn't see too much, but Sr. Michael Marie tried to point out different places on route.

When we got to the convent the sisters showed us our rooms which are in this little guest house building. We got to check out the main floor of the convent and met some of the sisters. Living next to us in the guest house is little Veronica. From what I understand, she just arrived today. She is 10years old and traveled approximately 700kilometers (I think that's what the sisters said) all by herself because she was being mistreated. She is really cute and unfortunately did not understand anything I said when I tried talking to her in English. I'm not sure how long she will be here but hopefully we will get to spend some more time with her.

Anyways...I'm going to head to bed soon since I've been up for over 24hours. I'm excited about what tomorrow will bring. :)

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