Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pre-Africa Orientation Week :)

This week Kate, Harris, Henry, and I are staying at the monastery at BAC for an orientation week. Fr. Chris has organized different talks and group activities for us to do in addition to joining the monks in their daily prayers and meals.

The first thing that struck me upon entering the monastery is the monks' hospitality. As one of the Benedictine hallmarks, the monks truly know the meaning of treating everyone as if they were Christ. They have truly been going out of their way to make us feel at home and to show their excitement about our upcoming trip. I'm really looking forward to spending the week here and gaining a greater appreciation for their lifestyle.

Secondly, it is so quiet! Although I am used to the general sense of peace I feel whenever I set foot on BAC campus, it is very, very quiet in the monastery. While the silence is somewhat strange in comparison to the noise I'm used to in my daily life, it is very peaceful and comforting. I feel a lot more calm and less distracted.

Anyways...I should probably get to bed soon- 6A.M. prayer in the morning! Those of you who know me know that I am not a morning person so this will be interesting! ;)

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