Thursday, August 23, 2012

“The Benedictine Brotherhood”

At Belmont Abbey College, we are truly blessed to have the Benedictine monks as a fundamental part of our community. In true Benedictine fashion, the monks have welcomed us into their home and been an active part of the college life, acting as members of the faculty and being true role models of what it means to live a Christ-centered life.

After spending a week at the monastery, I admit that I have finally come to fully understand and appreciate what an amazing role the monks play in our community. There is a quiet beauty of the life they lead and a purpose in all their actions. Being able to participate in the monks’ daily schedule, I recognized how the monks’ daily life was centered on prayer. Beginning at 6A.M. with morning Vigils and ending the night with 7P.M. Vespers, the monks know what it means to live life in constant prayer, always turning to God.
In the past, I had prided myself on being able to maintain a fairly consistent prayer life. However, after this week, I have been able to recognize many of my own weaknesses and see where my prayer life could be improved. As someone who is used to living a very busy and loud lifestyle, I must admit that I find myself envious of the quiet and serenity that the monks have achieved here at the monastery. Every night after our scheduled activities, Kate and I would walk around campus searching for something to do and people to hang out with. Since we knew we had to get up early, we would joke with our friends about how we couldn’t stay up too late or be “too social”. Even though it was always so much fun to spend time with our friends, I have to admit that there was something so calming and reassuring to be able to come back to the monastery and enter a place where I wouldn’t be distracted by the noise and drama that I usually find on campus. Kate and I both would joke about how the monastery is “soundproof”, a silent oasis that blocks out all outside noise and distractions. It’s funny how all through my 4 years at college I would go searching for the noise and crazy activities of BAC social life...and yet as much as I loved the excitement of a “good time” it seems to pale in comparison to how at peace and at home I’ve felt here at the monastery in this one week alone. I can’t even adequately put it into words.

The students and faculty of BAC are so lucky to have such an amazing and devout group of men who show us what it means to live out God’s calling. If you are still a student at the Abbey I encourage you to take some time and really get to know the monks. They are kind, intelligent, and some of the funniest people you will ever meet. That being said…I would like to end with a few things I’ve observed and learned about the monks this week and in my past 4years at the Abbey…

Abbot Placid- I have had the privilege as a member of the Honors’ Institute to be a student of the last Theology class Abbot Placid taught at BAC. I went into class thinking he was “Darth Vader” and left class perceiving him to be “Yoda”. (If you’re an Honors’ student you’ll probably understand the use of the “Star Wars” reference.) At first, Abbot seems austere and serious. However, if you get to know him you will realize how wise and- dare I say- hilariously funny he is! I was rather surprised when I realized what a great sense of humor he has. He is very down to earth and personable. He loves to make quick come back remarks that leave you thinking “Did he REALLY just say that?!”. Abbot is the kind of person that if you talk to him about something you’re struggling with or something that you are questioning he will never just hand you the answers. He is constantly asking “Why”, helping people to stop and consider their thoughts and actions. He has a way of helping people discover the answers for themselves which I really admire. As the head of the monastery, Abbot Placid does a great job of leading the daily life of the monastery with humility and grace.

Abbot Oscar- Unfortunately I haven’t been able to talk much with Abbot Oscar this week. However, what I would like to say about him is that he gives a really great homily! I was really struck by his homily at mass about trying to get to heaven. He talked about how difficult it is to leave our worldly possessions behind and to live the life God is calling you to. Two of the things that he said really caught my attention and they are the following [paraphrased]: “Let Go. Let God.” & “If we gave up our worldly possessions, we would be able to see who we really are.”. I would like to thank him for that. It really made me stop and think about what things in life I consider to be “the most important”.

Br. Anthony- Although I didn’t get to talk to Br. Anthony a lot during this week I wanted to share one thing that I found amusing. Every morning we get up for 6A.M. Vigils and every morning without fail Br. Anthony comes in with his hood over his head- which I totally wish I had during morning prayer to hide the fact that I can barely stay awake! During Haustus (which is social event that the monks have…and I hope I spelled that right!), it was really awesome to listen to all the monks joke back and forth, especially Br. Anthony who would slide in a quick remark every so often. I truly appreciate people with such a great sense of humor!

Fr. Kieran- I would be quite surprised if you go to the Abbey or have been to the Abbey and don’t know Fr. Kieran! He is truly one of the friendliest people I have ever met! He’s always smiling and cracking jokes. He has such a great sense of humor and zest for life. Waking up at 6A.M. isn’t so bad when I know I will be seeing his smiling face on the way to Vigils and breakfast. He’s like a proud Grandfather, always checking in on Kate and me and even bringing us cookies while we are working. His little gifts of prayer books and rosaries which kept “mysteriously” ending up at our door this week was so awesome! Let’s just say I truly appreciate the little gifts I’ve been receiving from my monastery guardian angel. J

Fr. Arthur- What I love about Fr. Arthur is the fact that he is always smiling! Even this week when he has had some really bad back problems, he always seems so happy whenever I see him. He is definitely the type of person who doesn’t let a bad day keep him down which I truly admire. He has such a kind spirit. Also, I love hearing him talk about when he used to teach.

Fr. David Kessinger- Fr. David is someone I didn’t know before spending time at the monastery. He makes my day because every time I pass him he always gives the “thumbs up” sign. He keeps saying that we are his “heroes” for being a part of this program and I really hope that I will be able to live up to his approval! Also, he wears awesome glasses which I’m a big fan of.

Br. Francis- Br. Francis is a sweetheart! The best way to describe him is that he is like a sweet grandfatherly type. Every time I see him I just want to hug him, he is such a kind, gentle soul with a wonderful smile and laugh.

Br. Emmanuel- When I first came to the Abbey, Br. Emmanuel was known for rocking long rock star hair! I was always somewhat intimidated by him since he seemed very serious and reserved. This week I got to talk to Br. Emmanuel a lot throughout the week and always ended up seeing him around in the halls throughout the day. He is a sweetheart! His enthusiasm for our upcoming trip and his genuine questions made me feel like I was talking to an old friend. He is such a sincere and kind person. It really has been a pleasure getting to know him better.

Br. Paul- What can I say? BPS is the man! It has been so fun getting to see him at the monastery as opposed to seeing him wandering around campus, snapping awkward photos of people and commenting on all who dare to enter Holy Grounds when he is doing his people watching. Br. Paul has always had the reputation of being a bit of a mischief maker and the collector of all of BAC news. It has been really great seeing the more serious side of him at the monastery. Furthermore, having run cross country for Br. Paul during my sophomore year, I was really excited to hear how proud he was that Harris (who also ran xc for him) and I are a part of the 1st group to go. As many people know, winning Brother’s approval is not an easy task, but once you’ve done that you are guaranteed an instant friend who will constantly have you laughing with his dry, sarcastic sense of humor.

Fr. David Brown- When I first came to the Abbey, I was really intimidated by Fr. David because he worked in the Registrar and always seemed so serious. Fr. David is the “quiet man” of the monastery. He usually doesn’t say much but you can tell he is always observing everyone and what’s going on. He is very kind and sincere and nothing makes my day like being able to get him to laugh or smile about something. He is also very good at singing which I admire because Gregorian chant is not an easy type of music to learn and sing!

Fr. Chris- How do I sum up Fr. Chris in a few words? Fr. Chris is funny, fatherly, enthusiastic, and ambitious. He is not afraid to speak his mind but does so in a respectful manner. He has a great sense of humor and an endless supply of hilarious stories about BAC. Also, I admire him for all the things he takes on. As prior he already has an endless list of responsibilities, and yet he has taken on the task of starting the Benedictine Volunteer Corp program at BAC. Is there anything he can’t do?! It has been incredible getting to know him better and realizing that even though he has a lot of daily responsibilities he is so invested in launching the BVC program and making sure that we are as prepared as we could possibly be for this trip. His interest, enthusiasm, and faith in the program are truly a blessing. I cannot begin to thank him enough for making this trip possible!

Br. Andrew- Known as the “library monk”, Br. Andrew is quite a character when you get to know him! I know I keep saying how funny all the monks are but I would be wrong not to mention Br. Andrew’s awesome sense of humor. There is a certain sarcasm in his jokes that is so awesome! It is one thing to be funny…However, the difference with Br. Andrew is that he knows when he is saying something funny and knows what to say and how to say something to get a laugh. He has a very devious sense of humor and loves to sneak in a quick jab of a comment when he can (especially if it is directed at Harris!). Further, he is a really good singer!

Br. Tobiah- In all 4years, I never met or have spoken to Br. Tobiah until this week. Br. Tobiah was in charge of monitoring our group projects this week (Kate & my infirmary painting project and Harris & Henry’s bench restoration project). He comes off as being very quiet but is very friendly when you get him talking! I also have to give him credit for having so much faith in our painting abilities! Although it would be pretty difficult to mess up when painting a room “Eggshell White” (basically white on white), he didn’t seem worried about letting two over-enthusiastic girls go to town on painting the infirmary! He is so kind and sweet and really easy to talk to.

Br. Elias- Br. Elias is also someone I didn’t know prior to staying at the monastery. I had seen him at mass but had never been formally introduced. Br. Elias was in charge of teaching our group about “Benedictine Monastic Life and Spirituality”. His talks about the psalms, “living with others”,and roles in the monastery were so awesome! He is very knowledgeable and made these topics easy to understand and relatable. Another characteristic of Br. Elias that stands out is that he is always smiling! Even when being faced with dozens of questions from our small group, he handled it all with patience and understanding, laughing and smiling the whole time.

Br. Edward- Br. Edward is a pleaser and a smiler! He is the type of person who will go out of his way for anyone. As the “Guest Master” at the monastery, we spent all of our meals with Br. Edward and he also was kind enough to drive us on errands! He is so friendly and easy to talk to. He also has the gift of being great at starting a conversation. I really admire this because he is so good at making people feel comfortable and at ease. He has such a good heart and a joyful and positive attitude about everything.

Br. Brian- Having gone to the Abbey at the same time that Br. Brian was a student, it is really surreal to see him as a monk! I really admire that Br. Brian has entered the Benedictine community especially at such a young age. He brings a youthful energy to the monastery and also rocks a really great beard! All the best of luck to him on his monastic journey!

I cannot mention enough how grateful I am for the support and enthusiasm of the monks at Belmont Abbey. They have put so much faith into this program and in us. One of my greatest hopes for this trip is that Kate, Harris, Henry, and I will be able to allow them to see Africa through our eyes and feel like they are a part of this journey every step of the way. I feel so truly blessed to get to spend so much time with the monks this week and I am truly going to miss them in the next 6months!

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