Sunday, September 2, 2012


Silly nuns! (Sr. Loice and Sr. Lillian!)

This week has been a week of firsts!

First time travelling to Africa.
First time eating Kenyan food.
First proposal.
First time using a matatu.
First African beer.

etc etc and so forth...

Needlesss to say, this first week in Kenya has been a fun adventure! Each of these "firsts" has brought new perspective and new appreciation for the life I have back in the US. For instance, I appreciate food much more! I thought I was going to go crazy day three from eating the same exact thing every day! As a fervent lover of all and any types of food, I must say that I reached my breaking point this week and resorted to buying Pringles and Coke at the local Nazkumatt (basically the Walmart of Kenya!). I need some flavor here people!

Secondly, I appreciate showering at home- not having to wait 20mins. for warm water and having a shower head that actually hits my entire body! This whole "only sprinkle water on the head" system is not working out so well!

Thirdly, I appreciate transportation back home. I like that at home I have my own car. I can go (for the most part) where I want, when I want. Although riding in the matatus was a blast, I don't think I would want to spend my whole life dependent on transportation where you are crammed into a van with waaaayyyy more people than it should "safely" hold with people's elbows in your side, off-roading down unpaved roads with no rules of the road whatsoever! Fun...Yes fun....but not the "safest" way to go about traveling!

Fourth, public bathrooms! Dear gracious...where do I even begin?! Last night Kate and I went into Nairobi with Harris and Tim. At the restaurant we were at I asked to use the bathroom. I was led to what appeared to be a normal woman's restroom. No locks on the door? big deal. Hole in the ground to pee in with no toilet paper, no paper towels, and no soap?? Yup...that happened! Desperate times call for desperate measures! Even in the crummiest bathrooms in America you wouldn't find anything like this.

I could probably think of 5 or so more things...but this is my list for now! Stay tuned for "Week 2 in Kenya"!

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