Saturday, January 5, 2013

WEEK19: God is Love.

This week was pretty low key. Kate and I went to 9pm-10pm community adoration with the sisters. Later, we celebrated New Year's Eve over some wine and card games. Not the same as celebrating with my family but definitely great to celebrate with one of my best friends. :)

Monday morning Sr. Michael Marie enlisted our help to dig...a mushroom hole. Now mind you, Kenyans don't believe in a lovely tool I like to refer to as a shovel, so we had to make do with hoes. The other funny part about this is that when the other sisters asked what we were intending to plant, many of them didn't even know what mushrooms are.

We had some pretty rainy weather which killed the internet for a few days which was rather frustrating. On the bright side, it forced us to take many long walks into Karen to hang out at Dorman's and send messages to our friends and family.

On Wednesday, we headed into Nairobi and met up with Harris to hang out for a few days. Most of Thursday we spent running around trying to figure out where Henry lost his keys which ended up being in his pocket. We also went to St. Maurus' in Methare and did some wall painting with Harris and the kids there. That was fun! It was cool to see the work done on the wall in comparison to when we first saw it.

Friday we headed back to Karen. It's been another low key weekend. Kate and I have taken down all of our wall decorations and done some major cleaning to prepare for the next 2 months of travelling and getting ready for home. On Monday, we will be heading for Chesongouch in the Valley. Since we won't have much internet access there, I will update the blog and upload photos upon return to Karen.

Last 2 months Agenda::
- 3 weeks in Chesongouch (the Valley)
- about 1 week in Karen before leaving for Tanzania
- Climbing MOUNT KILIMANJARO for my 23rd Birthday!! Yes....that is happening!! :)
- 1 week at Karen then heading backto the US!!

Two months away from coming home!!! <3

::Funny Moments::

*"Sisters love 'shrooms! Sisters gotta have their 'shrooms!" "It's like we are in 'Holes'!"

*Sr. Stella Maris told me that I had to go to New Year's Eve community adoration because all of the "professed sisters" had to attend. I told her I didn't remember becoming a professed sister...

*Novice Lydiah told me that she has a brother who is looking for a wife. She is determined to make me a sister either through the convent or as a part of her immediate family. life is a joke... :p

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