Monday, October 29, 2012

WEEK 8: "I pledge allegiance to Pampers!"

All right. All right. It has been far too long since I gave a weekly update! Hence, I am going to do a little overkill and do 2 weekly posts with thoughts and what-nots all at once. The past two weeks have been wicked crazy, busy, and very random. A lot of cool stuff happened, many adorable photos were taken, and I even got to feed giraffes! How cool is that??
So without any further ado! Read away my friends! I’m also going to include a lot of random commentary throughout so bare with me! ;)

Instead of going to “Feed the Children”, we decided to join Sr. Judy on her visit to the elderly in Elborough (??), since we hadn’t met that group yet. The elderly were so sweet and welcoming as always. One granny Monica walked in the room with a huge smile on her face and goes: “Hello!! My name is Monica and I loooove you!!!”. She was absolutely the cutest granny I’ve ever met! Oh my goodness. Completely made my day. She also sang a song about blessings from the Lord. She wanted us to sing a song but Kate and I couldn’t think of a good song to sing. Kate and I ended up buying a few different things from the elderly to support them. I bought some bags and jewelry. They were so excited that we wanted to buy things from them. Next, we listened in on their Swahili Bible study. I admit I started to fall asleep halfway through. The elderly thought it was funny that I was passing out.

While Sr. Judy met with some of the elderly about planning the annual Christmas mass/gathering, Kate and I talked with Hannah and Monica. We also met a man who is in charge of the counseling department at the church. We got to sit in on the counseling session with the elderly. Although I couldn’t understand what they were saying, it was really interesting just observing, especially watching the granny who was going on and on while brandishing a big wooden spoon!

On the way out to the matatu, Hannah (one of the grannies) showed Kate and I the proper way to carry our bags on our heads! So cute. She was so excited to help us out. All in all…another lovely visit with the elderly.

On our convent days, we worked both at the dispensary sorting pills and making dozens upon dozens and DOZENS of paper medicine newspaper bags!! It was really great to be able to d osomething new at the convent and the sisters at the dispensary really appreciated our help. It’s funny because they kept saying how fast we were. I guess Kate and my idea of how fast you should work does not fit into the “African time” concept.

I thought it was pretty interesting sorting the medicine and trying to figure out what each was used for.  ALSO, reading the article titles of the newspapers were so random! A few gems I came across…
“Hippo Injures 2 Adults, Harms Children”
“Man Attacked by Crocodile”
“Elephant Kills Adult”
Not at all funny for those involved…but the idea of such crazy animal attacks seems so foreign to me.

We ended up having a half-day at “Feed the Children”. So basically we just hung out with the babies in the morning then left at noon.

We went into Karen in the afternoon and ended up doing some more shopping! This time we stopped by Anthony and Benjamin’s shops. Anthony is a gem- wicked nice and easy to talk to. Benjamin is more of the straightforward business man type. I didn’t get much, but we did have a nice chat with Anthony!


After lunch, I took a leap into the land of Crazyville and helped changing some of the babies. Let me remind you…I am no stranger to diaper changing. (Mary, Jack, Anna, Mikey- This is the moment you thank me for being a loving sister.) HOWEVER, the catch is that at Cottolengo they are all about cloth diapers!  And LET ME TELL YOU…changing cloth diapers is no happy walk in the park! I remember my Mom going the whole cloth diaper route back in the day...but thankfully she was swayed by the awesomeness of Pampers! Kate and I have unanimously decided that we shall also go the Pampers route (if of course God thinks we are sane enough individuals to handle kids!). God bless the eco-friendly moms who do the cloth diapers…you are already one step closer to heaven than I’ll ever be!

Harris was able to catch a ride to the convent in the nun mobile with the sisters who were visiting Ruaraka. We all just chilled and watched some “Harry Potter”.

We went on an adventure to the Giraffe Center!!! It was looking rainy out early in the day but turned out to be a really nice day. The center was a lot smaller than we expected, but it was sooo much fun feeding the giraffes and seeing some warthogs! Yay Pumbaas!!! [Beth ;) ]

They've got wicked long tongues! Hence, why my ridiculous freak out face!

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