Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week 7: What's in a Name?!

All right…let me begin with saying a little something that has been driving me crazy the past 2 months…


Like for real. Every time I introduce myself, people just give me this weird look. The most common misinterpretations have been “Catherine” and “Caitrin”…a lot of the sisters still call me “Caitrin” after 2 months here. This is just weird to me since my name is pretty common back home. I’ve gotten to the point where I just let people call me whatever they think my name is. Whatever. It’s just kind of frustrating because I like my name…identity crisis? Just a little. lol

Any who…now that we cleared up that little issue…here is the weekly recap!


Hannah and the driver remembered to pick us up today! It’s kind of pathetic that we get excited about being picked up! We had a talk with Mama Jane about switching up our schedule. We are now going to be working with the little babies in Cottage 1 in the mornings and our usual kids from Cottage 4 in the afternoons. The babies in Cottage 1 are ADORABLE! OH MY GOOODNESS!! They are anywhere between a few days old to a year old. Kate and I got to feed and hold them all morning. We took them outside for an hour to “bask in the sun”. Of the babies of Cottage 1, Rosaline is my favorite!!! She is just the cutest little angel! Clare and the twin boys are also adorable….but “Rosie” is definitely my favorite. J

Rosaline! I love this little girl! :)
"King" Solomon showing the other babies who's the boss!
photo credit: Kate Drinkwater ('cause she takes AWESOME pics and my skills are limited lol)

At 12:30, we got to sit with our other kids while they ate lunch. After lunch, we watched “Thumbelina” for the 19843984389 time! I love that movie so I think it’s pretty funny that they always watch it. This autistic boy who is about 12 (I don’t know his name) sat in my lap during the movie. I was amused that he sought my out. Sweet kid. He kept slapping my hands which started to hurt and he was a too big to hold but he was really happy to play. Poor kid started to cry when Kate and I left to go to the Early Learning Center with the other kids. The activity of the day was blowing bubbles into cups. It’s hilarious how excited the kids get about such simple activities! So fun!


Kate and I did the 1st coat of paint on the parlor room and novices’ bathroom ceiling. Knotay showed us this big scrape he got on his face. Not sure what he did, but the poor guy was saying how his eye had been all swollen up the day before. It’s nice because I feel like he is starting to see us as friends whereas before he seemed a bit standoffish.


Kate and I did the second coat of paint on the parlor room and bathroom ceiling and stained the parlor floor. We are “officially” done with painting!!!....And I say this like once a week BUT I think this time we are done! Kate and I watched “The Little Rascals”! I forgot how much I loved that movie! Other than that…it was a pretty boring, standard day.


Spent the morning with our babies! I mostly ended up playing with Rosie, “King” Solomon, and Patricia…they are the cutest. J Little Rosie started to cry when we left for “Teabreak”….gosh I love that little girl! We helped feed the babies and Lavine attempted to vomit all over me. Oh babies…so charming.

In the afternoon, we had Zumba with our kids. Then we did some puzzles and chalk with the kids.

At dinner we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the passing of Vatican II (if I recall correctly!). AKA...we got fries, soda, and ICE CREAM. I also got a kick out of watching 80 year-old Sr, Herriberta crack open a Heineken...she is just so darn cute.


Went to Cottolengo today. Got there a little late because Kate and I stopped by the Nakumatt for some snacks. Discovered a new short-cut to the Nakumatt—kind of a big deal!
The kids were pretty good. I spent a lot of time with Rosie. She is about 10 years old (I’m guessing) and is special needs. She kept following me everywhere and wanted to sit in my lap. One of the mamas did her hair while she sat in my lap. She doesn't talk, but she smiles and laughs a lot. For a lot of the kids (and Rosie in particular), I feel like the best thing you can do is just play with them and hold them. It’s the little things in life, ya know?

By the time we went to leave it was absolutely down pouring! Now I've lived in NC for 4 years so I've seen rain…but you have not seen a real downpour like this! Seriously. Torrential downpour! Kate and I ended up helping a woman in the laundry room while we waited out the rain. She was really nice and offered us her umbrella. How sweet is that? I’m constantly being reminded of how the kindness of strangers here.
We took the matatu into Karen to meet with Harris. Traffic was really bad so in typical matatu style the driver drove on the wrong side of the road into on-coming traffic, driving on the wrong side’s off road where people were walking when cars were coming at us. This is Africa, people! Lol

We took a cab back to the convent to avoid the rain. At dinner the sisters put us in the “ quarantine” section as we like to call it- aka the parlor room. Since it was our neighbors Alex, Lucas, and Phillip’s last night at the convent we hung out with them which was nice since we usually just see them here and there throughout the day. Kate and I are definitely going to miss our neighbors!! They are so sweet and funny.


The sisters took us to the 50th jubilee celebration in the nun mobile! Wicked long day but so fun! Soooo many people there! When we got there they gave us “Usher” name tags...totally didn’t know what we were doing so we pretty much just sat in the “Laity” section until mass started. Mass was wicked long! The opening dance and introductions alone took an hour! It down poured hardcore during mass.  There were about 2hours worth of talks about the “Sisterhood of Kenya” and development plans. By this point we were soooo hungry! We lucked out and were the first ones in line for lunch…I know…typical Americans. But hey…lunch was great!

Saying "Bye" to our neighbors! (Alex, Phillip, and Lucas)


I feel like this is one of the first Sundays that we literally had nothing to do! Usually it seems like there is always some sort of celebration. We just kind of bummed around and did nothing all day. Kate and I watched “Home Alone”. It always reminds me of my brother Kevin. Lol


Phillip: "Remember to pray for me! I want a spot close to God's door!" (on our way to the chapel)

Kate: "Look at me...stuffing my face with chocolate while I look at her abs!"
...Chocolate over abs any day! lol

Korean Sister at my table: "If God calls you to the convent don't hesitate!:
Sr. Herriberta: "When God calls you to something you don't say 'No'!"
...They love giving me advice! Love them :)

Me: "The water is splashing me through the door!"
Kate: "#MatatuProblems"

Harris: "'The Lion King' was filmed over there..."
Kate: "WHERE?!"
...God love ya, Kate! :)


Don't forget to check out our fundraising site for the elderly!! We are looking to raise about $3,500 for Christmas care packages! Please consider donating. Thanks!

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