Tuesday, December 11, 2012

WEEK15: A Labor of Love

"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His mercy endures forever." ~Psalm  107
(Dec. 3rd-9th)

After a few crazy weeks of travelling and having an all over the place schedule, it was nice to return to the convent and complete our Christmas Care Package project!

On Tuesday and Thursday, Kate and I went with Sr. Judy and a few of the other sisters to Mutuini and Embul-bul to celebrate Mass and distribute the care packages to the elderly. It was such a rewarding experience to finally hand out the packages! The elderly were so grateful for our help and happy to have us celebrate with them. It is crazy to think that just 2 months ago this was a project that Kate and I started on a whim. We could never have predicted the outpouring of generosity we have received from our family, friends, and complete strangers back home in the U.S. I think for me the most exciting part of this project is being able to give people back home the chance to contribute to our work here in Kenya. It just goes to show that there are so many ways that you can help others! I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the support we have received from home! My prayers, love, and thanks go out to all of you!

Mutuini Celebration!

It's not over until the white girl dances!

I'm kind of obsessed with this Granny! She is so darn cute! :)

Whenever we can't find Harris we assume he is with the kids. lol

 Embul-Bul Celebration!
Mama Monica giving thanks.
Dancing Queens :)

My 86 year old future husband...obviously!

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