Sunday, November 25, 2012

WEEK 11: Onions make me cry.

I've decided to nickname Levine "Young Faithful" since I swear she projectile vomits every time I'm not looking! So cute...but really now!
We painted nails again today as always and I played soccer with the kids which was super fun but I also realized how out of shape I am...those kids kicked my butt!

Patty rockin' the hair-do!
After staying up until 4AM watching the election results come in, it was very stressful waking up to find out the final results. Not gonna lie…it really put a damper on the day. Fortunately, Dominic in the kitchen didn’t ask too many questions about our thoughts on the results and I ended up having a really great talk about Pro-Life and respect for life in all its stages during lunch with the sisters. Regardless of the results, I am soooo glad election season is over and people can (for the most part) stop asking me what my political stance is. So annoying.

We worked with Dominic in the Subiaco kitchen. He gave us some fresh, hot out of the oven French fries during tea break! Soo good! Day made. After chopping up string beans and helping make chapatti (African style tortillas), Dominic got a guitar out from the back and asked me to play something for him. The acoustics in the kitchen are really awesome and Dominic was genuinely excited to hear me play even though I’m not very skilled.
Oh! And we got new dish scrub brushes today! Is it sad that I get excited about these kind of things?!

We had a new lady Zumba instructor today…not that Kate and I danced along…my white girl moves are seriously lacking. Anywho, the kids really seemed to love her and she had some pretty hardcore routines for the ladies!

We ended up staying at the convent to help out in the kitchen. For some reason I was ridiculously happy all day! Now idea why? Could be because I got to sleep in a bit or the Caramel Macchiato Frappe I got in town or the fact that “Pride & Prejudice” finished downloading on Itunes or a dozen other good things! It was just a good day! It made me think of the quote “Happiness is a choice”. Despite the fact that it wasn’t the most exciting day ever, I was happy and I chose to embrace that happiness! Life is so good. J

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